About me
I am a graduate research assistant in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at George Mason University. Specifically, I work under the advice of Prof. Gerry Tian.
I received my BSc. degree in telecommunication engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in May 2019 and my MSc. degree in Intelligent Media Engineering from Hanbat National University in December 2022.
I am interested in (but not limited to):
- Wireless communications (6G)
- Physical Layer Security
- Machine/Deep/ Reinforcement Learning applications in wireless communication.
- Convex Optimization
Favorite Quotes
- Learn continually - there is always “one more thing” to learn! - Steve Jobs
- Education is not learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. - Albert Einstein
- Mia san mia - The complete desire to succeed! - Franz Josef Strauss
- Believe you can and you’re halfway there. - Theodore Roosevelt
- The best is yet to be! - Robert Browning
Recent News
- February 2023 - Received the Excellent Masters’ Thesis Award
- February 2023 - Our work on Irregular RIS and Physical-layer security was accepted for publication in Sensors, MDPI Journal
- December 2022 - Our work on Deep Learning and Physical-layer security was accepted for publication in ICT Express, Elsevier Journal
- December 2022 - Defended my masters thesis
- June 2022 - Our work on IRIS was presented in 2022 summer KICS conference in Jeju Island, South Korea
- March 2021 - I started working at ICIS lab as a graduate research assistant
Email: frimpongemmanuelobeng@gmail.com
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, Virginia 22030